BTDI is a public institution without legal personality, a professional body established by joint ventures, BTDI is managed by a Board of Administration consisting of representatives of each member, which designates executive management. BTDI performs the fallowing functions:
- business incubation by establishing connections between Romanian and foreign companies and providing technical, financial, managerial and legal assistance;
- technological development, which supports, in accordance with Government Decision 406/2003, the activity of SMEs, research centers and other incubated organizations;
- intellectual property, which ensures, in accordance with relevant legislation, intellectual property protection and enforcement of copyright;
- technology transfer in fields of agriculture, horticulture, wine-viticulture, animal husbandry, processing and related activities;
- networking with the economic environment, internally and externally in its field of activity;
- professional training;
The foreign companies interested in the services of the Business Incubator has a number of packages services (advertising, consulting).