Grupul Roman pentru Investitii si Consultanta (RGIC)  is a financial institution of investment and consultancy whose main objective is to support public and private initiatives by offering an Integrated Package Of Services. Mission we have assumed is to contribute to to the sustainable development of the Romanian village. 

Three directions are, in our view, critical in this regard: investments, financing and training. Therefore, our work is focused on advisory services in order to develop and implement investment projects, support in identifying the sources of financing and organizing and running training courses for residents of rural areas.

We are aware that in the long term, the quality of our products and services is the most important factor that affects the profit and the most expedient manner to increase the business turnover, leading to both, market expansion and increase of the market share.

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About us

Romanian Group for Investments and Consultancy (RGIC) is a financial institution investment and consultancy whose main objective is to support public and private initiatives by providing a innovative integrated service package.

The mission we have assumed is to contribute to sustainable development in local and regional national and international context. Five directions are in our view, vital in this respect: consulting / design, research / innovation, investment / financing, technical assistance / training and cooperation / recovery.